You might be a blessed person or email’s less user,when you have been a beneficiary of a wrong reply-all,not at all.
It is a helpfull instrument which is one of the nuisance of our electronic lives as well.People should discharge a number of addressees with tiring responds which may be concentrated to a single individual.
Microsoft has worked out a free instrument for Outlook that allows the consumers make messages that maintains the beneficiary on the similar Exchange domain from utilizing reply-all or forward.It is quite easy to make use and doesn’t needs installation on the receivers’ end.
Let’s see,how to use it:
1.Download and then install the NoReplyAll Outlook Add-In here in
2.Now you should restart Outlook.
3.Then you should compose a new mail.On the right side of the ribbon you could see some new buttons and they allows you hinder Reply-All,Forwarding and also Reply to you.For disabling that character,you should click any one of them other than it works on the receivers who are a division of your Exchange domain.
4.Under the Tools/Options,the add-in adds a new tab.You can use them for disabling reply-all or forward on all the fresh e-mails or for disabling reply-all on all the messages that you receive.You can make use of that last feature on a reply-all recidivist’s computer when you sense it devious, however it might be more difficulty than it’s cost though you are not in the department of IT.