In the past, you could accomplish this maneuver right your phone. Now, it needs a visit to iTunes. verify where in iTunes you wish to go to cover and unhide apps from your purchased list.
To Hide apps from your purchased list
Step 1 : Open up iTunes and click on on the iTunes Store button.
Step 2 : click on the home button if the store did not receptive this view.
Step 3 : within the right column, beneath the quick Links header, click on the Purchased link.
Step 4 : Click on Apps from the top of this read, and you will see a grid of your purchased app. Hover over an icon and a tiny X button appears within the upper-left corner.
Step 5 : Click the X to hide the app. The app are going to be hidden from the purchased list on your phone future time you take a glance at your purchased list; no set is necessary.
To reverse course and unhide an app
Step 1 : click on the button along with your username in iTunes and choose Account.
Step 2 : within the iTunes in the Cloud section, click the Manage button that sits to the right of the Hidden Purchases.
Step 3 : choose Apps and you will a grid of icons for all of your hidden apps, each with an Unhide button.
Step 4 : Click the button and also the app is came back to your purchased list.