There are numerous advices about what all tools are very essential in the case of Windows but then who can say that such a list is always going to be perfect. Well to make matters clearer, now you do have the luxury of depending on such a list. There has been a number of research going on as to know the minimum list of tools that you need in Windows. Well for me, the list if just fine and is very much useful for everyone.
The first item is the Antivirus. Now speaking about this one, you need not really buy a paid version as the free versions of the most popular antivirus have been doing just fine and moreover, for personal use, they are really fine. So the first and the most important thing is that you get one as fast as you can and that too after giving careful thought about the very antivirus you may need.
Next you would really need a back-up software as the options that you get by virtue of Windows is low and so you can really go for either a Cloud service or any other good one that you feel is absolutely safe for your data.
Now you can also consider a cleaner utility but then it is never too much important.SO weigh the pros and cons that I have already discussed in a previous article and then after careful planning, make a decision and one thing that you will have to remember is that these are very much optional. Now all other items are not actually needed for you. Now this does not mean you should not even consider using them. The point is that if you are not satisfied with the service in Windows, then you can always go for alternatives but then you should not be lured into going for them even if the Windows option is as good as the rest.