This guy did his M.Tech thesis as bathymetry data from HYDICE hyper spectral data:
Thisworkusedhyperspectralimagerytoderiveshallowwaterdepthestimates. A technique to classify substrates and estimate reflectance values for the substrate types is the major contributions of this work. This was accomplished by masking different bottom types based on spectra, effects that were not included in previous methods. HYDICE data was taken over Lake Tahoe on June 22, 1995. The high altitude of the lake provided a low aerosol content within the atmosphere. This allowed for relatively straight forward atmospheric corrections. This was substantially easier than in an oceanic environment. The atmospheric radiative transfer code MODTRAN3.0 was used to model the atmospheric conditions at the time of the experiment. The radiative transfer code HYDROLIGHT3.5 was used to model the attenuation coefficients of the relatively clear water of the lake. Minimal river input and low chlorophyll concentrations made it simpler to determine these values. Making use of the full spectral content of data within theopticalrange,multiplesubstratesweredifferentiatedandmaskedoff. Thisallowed for an estimation on wet substrate reflectance and a straight forward calculation of bottom depth.
Table3.1. Typesofwaterconstituents.
Matter Type Organic
Type of Particle Comments
Colloids Contribute significantly to back scattering
Bacteria Contributes significantly to particulate backscatter,
Organic Detritus
Quartz Sand Clay Minerals
Primarily responsible for determining optical properties of most ocean waters.
Primary backscattering component in the ocean
Very small living animals Typically very finely ground
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