Hide Relationship Status in Google Plus

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Google has provided a great privacy policy for us in Google Plus. We can control our profile from viewing from others. We can determine who want to see our details. In Google+ we can determine the visibility of ‘Introduction’, ‘Bragging rights’, ‘Occupation’, ‘Employment’, ‘Education’, ‘Places lived’, ‘Home’, ‘Work’, ‘Relationship’, ‘Gender’, etc.

Follow the steps given bellow:

  1. Login to your Google Plus account.
  1. Click on ‘Account Settings’ icon or goto setting window by clicking here and then click on ‘Profile and privacy’.
    google plus privacy
  2. Now go with ‘Edit Visibility on Profile’.
    edit visibility google plus
  3. Now you can see the options as shown below.
    edit visibility
  4. Now you can hide your ‘About’ option as your wish.
    edit visibility google+