Well it is quite common to see users perform a subtle boot and that too to a different source feed in order to examine a thing or two for themselves and in this article we would discuss how the same function is performed on your Mac. Well you might do this in the first place for a host of reasons and the thing with this is that whatever your reasons, you always have a way out of it and that too reliable. In the process, you can even boot and then use Linux or for that matter any other as you like and what you need to do is that you have to carry out the function with the utmost care.
Well you know how to do it the normal way and we are not here to discuss what everyone knows. Now according to your keyboard type, you will have to perform different steps in order to make the system show the boot drives which are available and from which you can load from. You may want to insert the disc and after than press the ‘C’ key till the system realises the functionality.
Now this is where you will need to worry about the firmware password and the follow-ups. In case you have not enabled this feature, which I would say is not necessary if you are sure about your privacy, you can go on to the next step. Well, there are many users who are simply forced by say peer pressure to enable the firmware password as they think it is an inevitable step in the process of system safeguarding and all the attendant functionality that come with the same. Well it is your call. Well there is one important thing that you would give heed to: remember that the default boot drive will change every time if you have not done the necessary thing.