How to retrieve you stolen device

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It is beyond doubt that we all value our phones, tablets and other devices so much that we cannot even imagine losing them. Hence it is highly essential that we take precautions before something bad happens. So you must keep in mind that you have all the necessary details about your device, needed to track the device as without these details, you will be wasting your time and energy. So first know your model as well as its serial number. You should have photos of the device.

How to retrieve you stolen device

There is also an open-source alternative if you want to track your device.Named Prey, this program is available for Windows, Mac OS and a host of others including Android. What you need to do is that you have to download the app and then it will run in the background.You would be wondering as to how the app will help ypu recover your device. The answer is simple. It uses the device’s GPS or if possible, the nearest Wi-Fi hotspots to locate itself. With this app, you can even take a picture of the user, who might be the thief and the rest is child’s play.

If you are getting robbed, the best thing is to obey the robber. You know your life is worth many times than that iPhone. You do have a very high chance of tracking the robber as well. You should contact 911 and give precise answers regarding your current location  You have to file a case and you have all the chance of getting back your device as the investigating agencies have the adequate technical infrastructure to track your device, provided you give all the necessary details about your device. You can also use the Stolen Register which is a worldwide collection of lost and found devices which will help you for sure.